Cecilia Thunborg
In my previous life I was a well-dressed, well-paid and bored stiff pencil pusher. Then something happened.

I noticed how my interest in work went out the window, and my interest in leisure activities skyrocketed. And needless to say, my leisure activities were all about being outdoors. First I thought it was time to find a new job, but then I realized it would not do the trick. It would only be a different place, same story. I also found out that there are education programs that will allow you to work outdoors. In the mountains. As a guide. So I quit that job, went to school for two years, and put my whole life in the tumble dryer. Now, I have lived in Abisko for ten years, and I love every second of it. I don’t know whether I am so well dressed any longer, but I dress according to the weather. And I smile every day on my way to work. I have guided for Activities in Abisko and NOLS Scandinavia but mostly for STF Abisko. Hiking and caving in summer, skiing, snow shoeing, snowmobiling, ice fishing and ice climbing in winter. And northern lights of course. The pandemic took me on a wonderful detour to the children at the Abisko pre school. And I did find out that children and international tourists are very much alike.