Linnea Blakley
I was born and raised in the middle of Sweden in a small town on the countryside. Growing up close to nature has been lovely and I have enjoyed being outdoors my whole life.
After moving to Abisko in 2008 it now feels like my home. I love hiking in the surrounding mountains in the summer and exploring new places by snowmobile wintertime.

The aurora borealis has become a big part of my life and it truly is an amazing spectacle that nature has to offer! When I watch the night sky I am often reminded of how small we are on this planet and how grand the universe really is.
I went to school for media production and I have had an interest in filmmaking and photography for about 10 years. As I went abroad to the United States for an internship at a local TV station I met Chad, the love of my life. One year later we were married and soon thereafter moving to Abisko for a summer job. We ended up falling in love with the place and never left.
Now I am working with administration, bookings, web design, coordination and more for Lights Over Lapland and Visit Abisko. I spend most of my time in the office but I really enjoy meeting new people from all over the world and I hope I get a chance to meet you too! I love travelling and I am happy to be able to help people travel when I am not travelling myself!